By Brett Nichols
Follow the Leads
In the Miami-Dade Police Department Homicide Bureau, detectives are typically assigned the lead in five to seven homicide cases a year. They also handle dozens of natural deaths, accidental deaths, and suicides every month. The hours are demanding on both the detective and their family.
For Detective Max Hahn, solving a homicide is like solving a puzzle. Some are difficult and more time-consuming than others, but it is the challenging ones that prove to be the most rewarding. Hahn’s investigations reveal a dedication to the pursuit of justice and provide a fascinating narrative on the role of a homicide detective.
Author & former homicide detective
Brett Nichols
Through his years of service, Detective Nichols received numerous awards from the department; the Life-Saving Award, a Silver Medal of Valor for assisting in the rescue/recovery of Value Jet Flight 592 in the Everglades, and two Exceptional Service Awards for investigative work. He also received dozens of commendations from victims’ families and numerous attorneys for his testimony in many homicide trials.
My Journey as a Writer
I can’t say I grew up with a passion for writing. It was something I was forced to do;
write thank you notes to relatives, book reports in school, and then detailed reports for the
police department. It was never fun, just one of those things required in life by your parents,
teacher, and employer.
I never thought of myself as a particularly good storyteller, but people enjoyed hearing
about my experiences. A friend encouraged me to write a story, so I put my first story to paper.
I was told it read too much like a police report. That story got tossed in a drawer, but my mind
kept spitting out ideas for a real story. I jotted about a dozen ideas on the back of a bank
deposit slip and weaved a story together. It was a decent story that wasn’t told very well. Too
much telling and not enough showing.
Tired of rereading it for the hundredth time, I set it aside and started another project. I
planned on writing a book about the homicide cases I handled. The first chapter was fantastic,
but I hated my second case as lead detective. With that plan ruined I had the idea of writing
about a serial killer. The more bodies, the higher the word count. That is how this story, Follow
the Leads, came about. It flowed as I imagined how it could happen and be handled in real life.
I had several people read it and enjoyed the story. Then, as I toyed with the idea of
having it published, I began writing another story. I had a great location for the murder and it
flowed even better. At the same time, I joined a writer’s group and met an editor, Stacy
Jackson. She tore my writing apart and was extremely patient in teaching me how to better
show my story.
Follow the Leads is a fictional story about a serial killer. It’s told through the eyes of
Miami-Dade Police Homicide Detective Max Hahn. I’ve tried to keep it realistic and included
small side stories showing the work involved and demanding hours.
I hope you enjoy this story and continue to follow my journey.
Brett Nichols